
Checkout the entire GraphQL schema

A schema defines a GraphQL API type system. It describes the complete set of possible data (objects, fields, relationships... everything!) that a client can access. Calls from the client are validated and executed against the schema. A client can find information about the schema via introspection. A schema resides on the GraphQL API server.

Retrieve the schema

Curl Example

$ curl '' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    --data-binary '{ "query": "query { __schema { types { name kind description fields { name } } } }"}'


To see which queries are available in HAL's schema, you can use our playground.


You need to be authenticated before using HAL's Graphql playground.

  • Click "Menu", then click on "Get my token" and copy your token

	"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"

Read the documentation

You can use the DOCS tab to explore HAL's GraphQL types.

Last updated