
Track winners and user deposits on PoolTogether, without coding!

A step by step guide to automatically tweet weekly winners and user deposits on PoolTogether, in a few clicks!

Create a new "Watch an Event" trigger

Insert the PoolTogether contract address in the "Contract Address" field to access the contract's events

Select the event you want to track. In this example we track the Rewarded event which is emitted every time a lucky user wins the weekly auction; to track user deposits we would simply need to select Deposit instead.

Time to tweet! Simply scroll down and tick the "Post to Twitter" box

You can create a nice twitter message referencing all the variables in the event, such as winner (the address of the lucky one), winnings (the amount of DAI they won), as well as creating a nice link to the Etherscan transaction:

... and here goes the lucky winner!

Last updated