
When a trigger... gets triggered

Every time a Trigger gets triggered it results in the creation of a Match. There is a different Match type for every given Trigger: EventsTriggerMatch, ContractsTriggerMatch and TransactionTriggerMatch.

Here is what they look like:


type TransactionsTriggerMatch implements Match {
    createdAt: Timestamp!
    trigger: TransactionsTrigger!
    decoded: Decoded
    block: Block!
    transaction: Transaction!

the Decoded field is defined as follows:

type Decoded {
    method: Method
    arguments: [JSON]

and represents the decoded input data used for the specific transaction that matched.


type ContractsTriggerMatch implements Match {
    createdAt: Timestamp!
    trigger: ContractsTrigger!
    contract: Contract
    method: Method!
    returnedValues: ReturnedValues!
    block: Block!

contract is a type that contains information about the matching contract:

type Contract {
    address: Address!
    abi: JSON

method is the name of the function that was invoked on the contract and whose output matched the correspondent Trigger.

Lastly, ReturnedValues is defined as follow

type ReturnedValues {
    matched: [JSON!]!
    all: [JSON]

and contains information on all the values returned by the function call (all), as well a the specific value(s) which matched the Trigger description (matched).


type EventsTriggerMatch implements Match {
    createdAt: Timestamp!
    trigger: EventsTrigger!
    decoded: Decoded
    log: Log!
    block: Block!
    transaction: Transaction!

the Decoded type contains information on the matching Event Name that was emitted, as well as its arguments (the values in the data and topic fields)

type Decoded {
    method: Method
    arguments: [JSON]

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