Watch contracts

Monitor state changes for a specific smart contract

ContractsTrigger type triggers allow you to track state changes for a specific smart contract variable (exposed via getter function) or any kind of value returned by a view Solitidy/Viper function.

A simple example

Let's see how we can use a ContractTrigger to monitor state changes on Uniswap. We can use the getTokenToEthOutputPrice function to know how many MKR is 1 ETH worth. It is simple to create a trigger that sends us an email every time the ETH price drops below a certain threshold:

   "name":"ETH price drop",
            "body":"On block number $BlockNumber$",
            "subject":"ETH PRICE DROP! last value was: $ReturnedValues$",

Here is a summary of the supported types and predicates:


Supported predicates

int8...256, uint8...256

Eq, SmallerThan, BiggerThan

int8...256[N], uint8...256[N], address[N], string[N], bytes1...32[N]

Eq, SmallerThan, BiggerThan, IsIn*

address, string, bytes1...32, bool


It is also possible to define more complex data types as inputs to our trigger this way:


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