Cron triggers

Trigger actions to check contract state at specific intervals

Cron triggers define the time intervals through a cron object with two fields:

  • timezone: the + or - hours in relation to UCT

  • rule: a temporal definition using the standard unix cron job syntax

Rule definition

In each field you can define time conditions by using those operators:


Create a cron trigger

mutation {
  createCronTrigger(input: {
  name: "HELLO CRON",
  type: CronTrigger,
  statement: {
    cron: {
      rule: "*/2 * * * *"
      timezone: "-0000"
    contract: {
      address: "0xeead394A017b8428E2D5a976a054F303F78f3c0C",
      abi: [
          inputs: [
              internalType: "contract IConverterAnchor",
              name: "_poolAnchor",
              type: "address"
          name: "poolAvailableSpace",
          outputs: [
              internalType: "uint256",
              name: "poolAvailableSpace-0",
              type: "uint256"
              internalType: "uint256",
              name: "poolAvailableSpace-1",
              type: "uint256"
          stateMutability: "view",
          type: "function"
    inputs: [
        type: "address",
        name: "_poolAnchor",
        value: "0x8b3082e273E4B923830c637a203c1C1D963cA307"
    method: {
      name: "poolAvailableSpace"
  actions: [
      type: Webhook,
      attributes: {
        uri: "http://www.dasa"
}) {

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